Frequently asked question (FAQs)
Admision , Guide & Regulations
New Intake
> FAQs for new students
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UNDERGRADUATE : +09-4316077/6128/6096/6084/6088/6097/6895/6988/6108
POSTGRADUATE : +09-4316129/6114/6109
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1-Q: How much are the course fees?
A: The student fees can be checked on the Bursar's portal.
- Local student (click here)
- International students (click here)
- Local students(click here)
- International students(click here)
2-Q: Can I pay my fees in cash?
3-Q : When do I have to pay my fees?
4-Q: Why my account has been suspended?
5-Q : My previous payment which i have made thru online was not updated.Why ?
6-Q : Is there guideline for making cashless transactions?
7-Q : How can i know whether my refund has been credited into my account?
8-Q: Is the receipt on e-Comm considered official receipt like the one produced by the Payment Counter at Student Financial Unit?
9-Q : Will i get a refund if i withdraw from my course?
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Should you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to fill up our enquiry form below. We will reply you as soon as possible.

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